Wine & More/Wine tasting
[와인시음] Chateau Talbot 2019 - 샤또 딸보 2019
2023. 3. 6. 01:24
Chateau Talbot 2019
샤또 딸보 2019
지역 : France / Bordeaux / Saint Julien
품종 : 69% Cabernet Sauvignon, 26% Merlot, 5% Petit Verdot
알콜 : 14.1%
양조 : 15 months in oak barrels (50% new)
내 점수 : 94 pts
[Tasting note]
좋은 와인은 어려도 맛있다!
보르도와인은 어렸을 때 마시는 것을 금기 시 여기는 경향이 있다. 그러나 좋은 와인은 어려서도 맛있다는 주장이 여기서 한번 더 증명되었다. 물론 약간의 숙성향이 더해진다면 더할 나위 없겠으나 정말 잘 익은 과실풍미에 잘 익혀진 풀내음, 고소한 빵굽는 향과 달달한 향신료 풍미까지 너무 훌륭한 와인이였다.
Good wine tastes good even when you're young!
Bordeaux wine tends to be taboo to drink as young. However, the belief that good wine tastes good even at a young age has been once again proved here. Of course, it would be perfect if a little aging notes were added, but it was a very good wine with a really well-ripened fruit flavor, perfectly riped herbaceous flavor, bread-baking smell with sweet spices flavor.
D ruby
M+ aroma
Black berry, Cassis, Blueberry, Bell pepper / Cedar, clove, bread, vanilla
M+ flavor
Dry / M+ acid / M+ tan / H alc / M+ body / M+ fin