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Wines & Bones : 소비치의 와인 그리고 정형외과 안내서
[와인시음] Antinori Tignanello 2019 - 안티노리 티냐넬로 2019 본문
Antinori Tignanello 2019
안티노리 티냐넬로 2019
지역 : Italy / Tuscany
품종 : 80% Sangiovese, 15% Cabernet Sauvignon, 5% Cabernet Franc
알콜 : 14.5%
양조 : During fermentation in truncated conical tanks, each individual must was macerated on the skins giving particular emphasis to preserving aromas, extracting color,and encouraging desirable tannins that were supple and elegant. Racking was performed after rigorous dailysampling and tasting. Once separated from the skins, the wine was transferred into small oak barrels where it underwent malolactic fermentation to accentuate aromatic finesse and complexity. Aging took place in French and Hungarian oak barrels, partly new and partlysecond passage, foratotal of 14 – 16 months : after an initial period of aging the lots separately, they were assembled then completed barrelaging. Tignanello, made primarily with Sangiovese and asmall percentage of Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc, underwentan additional 12-month period ofaging in the bottle before being released.
내 점수 : 94 pts
평균가 : $159
재구매의사 : 3/10
[Tasting note]
와인은 역시 Time & Place & Person
1년반 전 아내와 함께 이탈리아 피에몬테 북부의 Stressa 호수에 놀러간 적이 있다. 호수 안 작은 섬인 Isola Bella 섬에 있는 분위기 좋은 레스토랑을 예약했다. 해가 지고 시간이 되어 우리는 보트를 타고 섬으로 향했다. 와인리스트를 본 순간 Tignanello 16이 104유로에 눈에 들어왔고 주문을 하였으나 재고없음... 17,18을 모두 뒤져보고 서버가 겨우 가져온 Tignanello 2019. 인적이라고는 정말 찾기 어려운 호수 안 섬에서 잔잔하고 예쁜 호수 마을의 야경을 바라보며 앉아있었고, 음식이 나오고 서버가 와인을 열자마자 잔에 따라주는데, 코를 들이대지 않아도 풍성한 향신료와, 달달한 감초, 검붉은 과실풍미, 담배향이 물씬 풍겨오면서 정말 황홀하게 즐겼던 경험이 있다. 그러나 1년반이 지난 지금 이시점에 양재동 골방에서 블라인드 테이스팅을 하는 이 와인은 분명 그때 그 Tignanello 2019와는 다른 와인이다. 황홀함이라고는 보여줄 생각이 없고, 정적이고 묵직한 향과 맛들만 남았다. 물론 좋은 와인임은 분명하다. 핸들링을 잘 못했을 수 도 있다. 그러나 그 때 그 와인은 여기 없었다.
Time & Place & Person is really important when enjoying wines
A year and a half ago, I went with my wife to Lake Stressa in northern Piedmont, Italy. We booked a nice restaurant on the island of Isola Bella, a small island in the lake. We headed for the island by boat after sunset. As soon as I saw the wine list, I ordered Tignanello 16 for 104 euros, but it was out of stock... Tignanello 2019, which was finally brought by the server after noticing that 17,18 were also out of stock. We sat on an island in the lake, where it was hard to find other people, looking at the calm and pretty night view of the lake village. As soon as the food came out and the server opened the wine and poured it to my glass, bouquet of spices, sweet licorice, dark red fruit flavor, and cigarette run into me without sniffing inside the glass.. However, a year and a half later, this wine, which is being blind tasted in the room of Yangjae-dong at this point, is certainly different from that of Tignanello 2019. It didn't show gorgeousness but only static and dense notes and flavors remained. Of course, it is clear that it is a good wine. The handling may had been wrong. But that wine was not here.
M+ ruby
M+ aroma
Violet, Black cherry, Black berry, Raspberry, Mint, Clove, earth, tobacco
M+ flavor
Dry / M+ acid / M+ tan / M alc / M+ body / M+ fin