Wines & Bones : 와인너드의 정형외과 안내서

[와인시음] Paul Jaboulet Aine Hermitage La Petite Chapelle La Maison Bleue 2009 - 폴 자불렛 앤 에르미타주 라 쁘티 샤펠 라 메종 블루 2009 본문

Wine & More/Wine tasting

[와인시음] Paul Jaboulet Aine Hermitage La Petite Chapelle La Maison Bleue 2009 - 폴 자불렛 앤 에르미타주 라 쁘티 샤펠 라 메종 블루 2009

소비치 2023. 2. 14. 08:18


Paul Jaboulet Aine Hermitage La Petite Chapelle La Maison Bleue 2009

폴 자불렛 앤 에르미타주 라 쁘티 샤펠 라 메종 블루 2009


지역 : France / Northern Rhone / Hermitage AOC
품종 : 100% Syrah
알콜 : 14%
내 점수 : 94 pts

[Tasting note]

'꽃향기나는 집중도 있는 시라'

처음에는 온도때문인지 잘 보여주지 않다가 시간이 지나고 온도를 올려주니 진한 제비꽃향과 검붉은 과실이 진하게 올라오고, 검은후추와 마른 허브류의 감칠맛풍미, 정향의 향신료 풍미가 복합적으로 느껴졌다. 입에서 산도도 살아있고 탄닌이 많지는 않으나 정말 부드럽게 녹아있었으며 삼킨 뒤 입에서 제비꽃향과 허브향이 오래 남아 기분이 좋았다. 오늘의 베스트!!

"Concentrated Syrah with lots of flowers"

At first, it was definitly closed, perhaps because of the temperature, but when I raised the temperature, beautiful aroma of violet and concentrated black fruits with black pepper and dried herbs and the spice flavor of cloves arise. The acidity was alive in my mouth, and there was medium or medium plus tannin, but it was really soft and integrated, and at the finish the aroma of violets and herbs remained in my mouth for a long time, which made me feel good. Today's best!

M+ ruby 
M+ aroma
Violet black cherry bleuberry / cedar / black pepper, dried herb
M+ aroma
Dry / M+ acid / M tan / M+ alc / M+ body / M+ fin